Boating Facility 2023 Rules & Regulations Notice

Last revised on June 11, 2023


  1. The Providence Boating Facility and related activities are defined and governed by the articles entitled “Boating Committee” of the currently effective Bylaws of the Providence Club Inc. The functions of management and operations of the boating facilities are delegated by the Providence Club Board of Directors to the Boating Committee and its Chairperson. As is the case for all Committee Chairpersons, the Boating Committee Chairperson is governed by the Bylaws regarding the preparation and submission of annual operating and capital investment budgets to the Board of Directors for approval. The regulations that follow provide details of governance, operation, and procedures for the use of the Boating Facilities beyond those prescribed by the Covenants and Bylaws.
  2. Article V Section 9.e of the Bylaws specifies that no slip or dry storage will be assigned or allowed to a club member unless that member is the sole owner of the boat for which space or use is required. The only exception is that boats owned in common by more than one member, but not including any non-member, are entitled to space. Slips and dry storage space shall be assigned on a first-come first-served basis in accordance with Article V Section 9.h of the Bylaws.
  3. All current members of the Providence Club have access to the boating area provided they have a basic boating membership (for a nominal annual fee) and complete/sign the “Application, Registration & Billing Form” on file. Without exception, any use of boating facilities, including specific assignment of boat slips, dry storage and use of   the ramp is contingent upon payment of the Providence Homeowners Assessment, boating membership fee and   specified user assessments. No permanent or temporary use of the slips or dry storage of boats and/or trailers is permitted without assignment or permission of the Boating Committee Chairperson. The basic boating membership fee includes use of the launching ramp.

Definition of Terms

  1. The following words and terms as used in these regulations are defined below:
    Boat – A craft normally anchored or moored during the operating season.
    Boating Year – 1 January through 31 December.
    Boating Season – 1 May through 31 October.
    Dinghy – The tender for a larger boat, usually a 7 – 10 foot rowboat or inflatable rubber boat associated with a specific larger boat.
    Dry Storage – Small Craft on trailers that are used during the season.
    Marina – Used interchangeably with “Boating Facility”.
    Small Craft – Small sail and rowing boats; normally dry stored during the operating season. This includes sunfish/laser types, canoes, kayaks and sculls.
    Small Craft Dolly – a small trailer; used solely for the storage and launching of Small Craft.
    Marina – The area including the piers, adjacent parking lot and storage racks.
    Winter Storage – 1 November through 30 April.

Notes: (1) The word “boat” will cover any and all the foregoing classes of watercraft unless otherwise noted herein.  (2) The terms permission/approval can be oral or as noted in club documents such as minutes, notes, etc.


  1. The slips and facilities shall not be used for commercial purposes.
  2. All motor vehicles and trailers will be parked with due regard for the rights of others for access to the launching ramp and pier heads. Vehicles and trailers shall not stand unattended nor be parked where indicated as “No Parking”.
  3. Only trailers owned by resident Boating Club Members or their guests are allowed in the marina area at any time.
  4. Boats will be boarded only with the permission of owners except in an emergency, after which owners shall be notified of such boarding.
  5. Members are responsible to exercise good housekeeping practices in the Marina Area. No debris or pollutants shall be dumped into the water from boats or piers. Trashcans are not provided; members are obligated to remove their own trash and are asked to assist in the removal of trash thoughtlessly left by others.
  6. Owner agrees to have his/her boat properly registered, insured, equipped and maintained.


  1. The recreational opportunities afforded by our waterfront facilities are incomparable. However, the risks inherently associated with these facilities cannot be overemphasized. By their very nature, unsafe practices can result in serious injuries. Hence it is everyone’s responsibility to use caution and sound judgment around the Marina. Due to heightened risk of physical contact, swimming is prohibited in the immediate ramp area. Correspondingly, members or guests utilizing the ramp have the responsibility to verify safe access prior to entering the ramp area.
  2. All boat operators will limit speed in the marina area so as to avoid any disturbing wake.
  3. The presence of minors within the Marina Area after dark without an adult homeowner is prohibited. Pier lighting will be illuminated during the hours of darkness.
  4. All accidents, damage to piers, slips and facilities, utilities or boats, or impending hazards thereto, will be reported immediately to the Chairperson or a member of the Boating Committee by anyone causing or observing such occurrence or hazard.
  5. Crabbing and fishing are permitted from the piers but with appropriate caution for the safety of others. All gear must be kept clear of the moored boats and their lines.
  6. Proper noise signals should be used when departing the slip/pier area (1 long + 3 short burst) to forewarn those in the area of the moving boat.


  1. Each Providence Club boating member is entitled to one assigned slip as available. However, additional slips may be assigned, if available, to members owning more than one boat, provided that such slips are to be vacated, upon request by the Chairperson or duly appointed member of the Boating Committee, if needed to fulfill another member’s requirement for an assigned slip. A slip must be occupied by the boat assigned, except for periods of cruising from the marina, maintenance or winter storage. Extended cruising greater than six months must be brought to the attention of the Boating Committee.
  2. Slips will be assigned annually based upon berthing requirements as evaluated by the Boating Committee, which retains ultimate authority with respect to assignments. Assignment is contingent upon the timely payment of all applicable Providence Club, Inc. fees. Slips may be assigned for less than a full season if available. These owners will vacate such slips within 15 days notice if the slip is required for annual assignment as a primary slip.
  3. Prior to assigning any slip and annually thereafter, the Boating Committee will verify ownership of the boat by sighting the title/deed/documentation record and proof of insurance presented by the member. Once assigned an initial slip, a member in good standing, will not be asked to change this slip unless it is required for another boat of greater draft, beam or length, and another slip is available adequate to the requirements of the member being directed to move.  Requests to change slips will be entertained at any time.
  4. Visiting boats will use slips as designated by the Boating Committee and display a handwritten sign identifying the member sponsoring the visit. All members of the Providence Club are asked to make their needs for guest slips known as far in advance as possible. The actions and conduct of guests shall be the responsibility and liability of the sponsoring member.  Sponsors of guest boats will be assessed a daily Guest Fee of $25 per day on each day of visit in excess of three days.  Payment should be made to Boating Chairperson. Visits of more than one week are discouraged.  The maximum time for a visit is two weeks.
  5. The boating year is from 1 January through 31 December. Fees charged a member will be for the full year and are payable by the end of April of the subject year.  However, if a member initially engages or permanently leaves a slip during the year, the slip fees will be pro-rated to reflect the number of days the slip is occupied that year.  If a slip is reassigned to another resident during the year, the slip fees paid by each resident for use of the slip will be pro-rated based on: (a) the size of the vessel, and (b) number of months in the year that the slip is assigned to each resident.


  1. Members using the utilities on the piers are responsible for securing them upon completion of use.
  2. Owners are required to monitor electrical use to minimize costs to the Boating Facility. Approved marine type battery chargers may be left on when the boat is unattended.  In the winter, the use of electric space heaters is prohibited unless the owner is aboard. Light bulbs are authorized. Shore power connection, as required by the electrical code of the American Boating and Yacht Council, shall be protected with a main breaker or fuse equal to or less than the rating of the shore power cord. Shore power cables shall be disconnected from pier side receptacles when a boat is out of its slip.
  3. Unnecessary lights will be turned off and noise will be restrained between the hours of 2230 and 0800.
  4. No boat toilet, other than non-polluting Type I or II toilets approved by the USCG shall be used at the piers.
  5. The installations of ‘good neighbor’ lines are at the slip holders’ discretion & cost. However, if used they are to be a single white line in “like new” condition.
  6. Members may make alterations to the piers, slips and facilities only after prior written approval of the Boating Committee. Seats, boxes or other fixed and/or removable obstructions on a main or finger pier represent an unacceptable restriction to the right-of-way unless they are required to support a Members need for disability access.


  1. No boat will be stored on a trailer or blocks in the marina during the boating season. The sole exception is for the limited trailer storage of small craft during the season. These small craft are to be stored in designated areas only. Small craft trailers are not to be left in the boat launching area and are to be returned to the appropriate space after the craft is launched.
  2. All small craft and small craft dollies will display a Providence Club sticker and small craft dollies will clearly identify the owner/member’s name. Unauthorized small craft, small craft dollies, and trailers are subject to removal. Boats/small crafts, small craft dollies, and trailers stored in the marina area without use within 2 consecutive years are subject to removal at its owner’s expense.
  3. The area surrounding the Marina is for the use of all Members. Hence dry storage is meant for boats that are actively used during the season. Any exception requires written approval by the Boating Committee Chair. Concurrently, tubes, floats, life jackets or other recreational equipment not in use are not to be left unattended on the piers or small craft storage areas. A member may store his sailboard on top of his small craft assigned to the pipe rack at no additional charge. Otherwise it will be considered an additional small craft, as defined herein.
  4. Boat trailers for boats assigned slips and for other club members boats allowed Winter Storage will be stored in the location defined by the Boating Committee. The Boating Committee will assign space for Winter Storage of boats and/or trailers on an “as-available basis”. Blocked winter storage is not allowed. Boats and/or trailers 16 feet or smaller may be required to be kept at members’ homes if space is not available for storage in the marina area. An annual fee, defined in the billing form, will be charged for Winter Storage of any boat or trailer. Any sponsoring Boating Club Members inviting guests to use the trailer/ramp facilities will inform the chairperson, or other member, of the Boating Committee prior to each such usage.

Launch Ramp

  1. Access to the boat launch ramp is limited to Boating Club Members and their authorized guests. Guest usage of the ramp requires the presence of their member host unless specific arrangements have been made in advance with the Boating Committee.
  2. To control non-resident use, without a sponsoring Boating Club Member, the boat launch ramp will be secured utilizing a chain and lock. Access procedures will be provided by the Boating Committee on a seasonal basis.

For further inquiry with any of the above notices, please feel free to contact the Marina Chairperson